Thursday, June 19, 2008

A quick post

We're about to head out to a youth event in Omak (spelling?), WA. We're staying in Riverside, WA tonight. It is such a beautiful place. Oddly enough, it really reminds me of the southwest US...

Anyways, the one thing I really wanted to say right now was to ask for prayers for my Achilles tendons. For some reason they both started to hurt pretty badly today. I've been icing them since I got here around 3:30 (it was a short day!). I'll try to post more later; maybe even some pictures.


Lisa said...

Hey, It's good to hear that you're seeing some beautiful sights. I hope your Achilles tendons improve overnight. I'll be praying for you. I'm looking forward to the pictures when you get a chance to put them up.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update, it helps to visualise the Ride. Will pray that you and all the riders do not suffer unduly. God Bless. Viviane (Fiona's Mum).