Thursday, June 19, 2008

In Twisp

Hello all. I'm in Twisp, WA this morning, on the other side of the Cascades from where I was yesterday in Marblemount, WA. we had a pretty greuling up hill climb to Rainy and Washington Passes, but every single person on the team made it and then was the pay off. About 18 miles of down hill where you could coast comfortably at 40 miles an hour. I got a few pictures that I'll try to post soon. I haven't had wireless to use the last couple days, and right now I'm borrowing the churches computer....

I've got a climb each day for today tomorrow and the day after, then we've got our day of rest on Sunday and a couple days of flat more or less thereafter, before we start the Rockies (which look to be easier than what we did yesterday!) I need to get going, it's already 8 in the morning here and we need to get on the road.

God bless, and thank you all for your prayers and support.


Anonymous said...

Nice to hear the Team is going well. Thanks to your blog we can try and imsgine the ride.
We are praying for you all. God's speed. Viviane

Anonymous said...

Twisp. What a name. Good to hear from you after you started your adventure. Still praying for you.
