Tuesday, June 24, 2008

An exciting day

Well, today was a pretty exciting day. We finally made it out of Washington State! And now we're almost out of Idaho! Only about 5 miles to bike from Clark Fork to the border with Montana.  Today was also exciting because I finally hit 1000 miles biked since I bought this bike. But, on the other hand, starting tomorrow, we have the three big states which account for almost half of our trip in days!

Also, I think I may have decided that as beautiful as Washington State was with the Cascade Mtns., deserts, ocean, and everything else, this area of Idaho has been even more scenic. Today's ride took us through Sandpoint, ID and along the northern shore of Lake Pend Oreille. It was absolutely amazing how the mountains jut right out of the water. I have a few pictures, but yet again, I am borrowing a computer... Hopefully I'll be able to connect my laptop soon to upload some pictures for you all. I'm also planning to get an email out here in the next day or two.

As always, thank you all for your prayers and support. I know this is going to make a huge impact in the lives of the military youth in Europe. I get so excited telling the people I meet about them. 


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear how the ride is progressing. Thank you for the Blog, it's the fist thing we check in the morning. Pictures so far have been amazing. Well done.
All the best to the Team. God Bless. Viviane

Anonymous said...

mike, i think your ride is absolutely amazing!!!!
i think you are youngest one i know who has embarked on a mission like this. you're awesome!!!!
i wish you good luck, drink lots of water...and enjoy the beautiful country!
i want to know all about it...when you finish.
...brittany whitaker

Anonymous said...

Glad to read that your heels are better. What an amazing experience you are having. Keep letting people know about your reason for the trip, hopefully you will make your goal! God Bless, Roxann