Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I just have a few minutes to be online while I'm away from home until tomorrow evening, but I took the time to check on the status of my fundraising for YFC. I can't tell you how thankful I am for the generosity of so many people. Thank you!! I know that God is going to do amazing things with this money.

Actually, I was just talking with my roommate, and realized how God has worked this out, He is so amazing! I thought I was still about $600 short of the required $6500, but realized that He had already provided the 600 through the commitment of the VBS program in California, which I have yet to add to my donations.

I still don't know how he is going to raise the remaining $93,500, but just as I said when I started down this path back in February, God is faithful and he has reminded me of that today!

Thank you all again for your prayers, encouragement and support. It will make a huge impact on the lives of the military youth!
In Christ,

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