Well, we certainly are in the land of 10,000 lakes. Today, as we were riding from Pelican Rapids to Alexandria, MN, it seemed like there was a new lake every quarter mile. Most of them were pretty small, probably more ponds than lakes, but all the same, there was a lot of water around. Interesting though, I still have yet to see a single mosquito since we crossed in MN. So I'm thankful for that, and the road today. We were on a bike path for about 35 miles of our 75 miles. It was an amazing ride. Really great to get away from traffic. Be able to ride anywhere on the pavement. It was smooth. Just great. Thank you Minnesota.

I don't know how many of you have been to my fundraising page lately (
http://www.firstgiving.com/michaelscott), but I am really glad to announce that donnations have continued to come in to support the work of YFC towards military teens in Europe. To date, just over $10,300 has been raised! It is so amazing to see God bring in money for to reach those kids! Between the financial support of friends and family around the world as well as some of the folks that I have met in the past few weeks, I have been really encouraged to see how much people see the need in this mission field.
I also want to again thank everyone who has offered words of encouragement as we've been traveling. I have really appreciated it!

Also, as a side note, just in case you were unaware.... Alexandria, MN is the birthplace of America. I'm not exactly sure how that works, but the shield on the viking statue proclaims it proudly. Evidently there was a runestone found in the area that supposedly dates back to the 14th Century. Indicating that Vikings were here in the 13oos, well before Columbus discovered the Americas. There is some debate about it, but who am I to say....
1 comment:
That's great that you guys had the chance to ride on a path. I don't know how you guys can ride along traffic so much....it always made me nervous. Still praying for you, even as we prepare to move next weekend.
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