Well as we were biking our (almost) 100 miles today i ran into several situations where i had to stop and consider for a moment. Like the time that we came to Denver. I had to ask myself if we'd made a wrong turn. Then there was Chile and Peru. I hope those people realize they're living in Indiana. :)

Then I came upon this sign right next to a corn field. First of all, who plants crows?? And second, i'm pretty sure the bible states that you reap what you sow. If in fact they planted crows there, there should be crows coming up... not corn. ah well, Indiana has been a fun state. Alas, tomorrow we move on yet again; this time to Ohio. And I'm just now getting used to the idea of actually being in Indiana. My mind has been stuck in Illinois.
Wow...you guys are really cruising along, aren't you? I guess these states are smaller than those giant ones out west. Still praying for you. Enjoy a different part of Ohio. :-)
You think Indiana is confused? Maine has serious identity issues. I love this signpost.
Sorry I can't get the link to work right, you'll have to copy and paste it back together.
Hey, I was born just outside of Denver! I was born in a corn field! It all makes sense now!
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