Tuesday, July 1, 2008

a long day

Today was an incredibly long day. It's 9:35, but i feel like it is 3 in the morning! I am so tired. So this is going to be brief. We biked about 107 miles today from Shelby, MT to the church we're staying at in Havre, MT. We were told that it was going to be flat and easy going.

The first 25 miles or so were. I was cruising along, very comfortably at about 21 miles per hour, with the wind at our backs across a nice smooth road, wide shoulder, flat with small rolling hills scattered throughout. After that first part of the day, though, the wind changed directions and was coming more across and towards us. The shoulders weren't quite as wide in most places and the hills got bigger. But never seemed to have a big downhill on the other side. I think that might have been my imagination, though.

But, we finally made it after 6:35 of biking plus 1:30 or so worth of resting. The host family that we're staying with has been kind enough to share their computer, so I need to get going, not only to go to bed, but so a couple other people in line behind me can get on before bed.

FYI, a couple of my links on the right were broken or pointed to the wrong webpage. I'm pretty sure those are now fixed. Please let me know if you find any other bugs on the page.

God Bless,


Anonymous said...

Nice to read the continuing news. Blogs seem to be all OK now. Thanks.
We are praying for you all, as it's getting hot and you're all tired.
All the best and thanks for FANTASTIC photos !! I looked at all of them yesterday, excellent.

Anonymous said...

We're still praying for you! Glad to hear that everything is going well and hope the ministry you and the team are able to have with the people you meet is going well also.