Monday, July 14, 2008

4 States down

This morning we left North Dakota and are now moving through the lake land known as Minnesota. Interestingly though, everyone always talks about how bad the mosquitos are here... I don't think i've seen a single one all day long. That's been a nice change.

We finished our 50 miles today by abour 12:30 and spent the afternoon relaxing in the park near the church in town. The town is a great place. Really laid back and quiet, with plenty to do.

I guess I really don't have much to say today... Tomorrow, we're headed to Alexandria, MN. About 75 miles. I'm glad we're doing more than 50 or so, though. If we are going to average 83 for the trip and we've only been doing 60s and 50s the last couple days, we're going to have to make those miles up later on....

Thanks for your prayers!
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1 comment:

Lowell & Bonnie Meznarich said...

Love all the posts, stories and "tiny" sermons! :) How could MN mosquitoes even compare to Montana ones???? lol

Still praying for you all and favorable wind! ;)

Bonnie and Lowell