I've got a couple stories for today, but first take a look at this picture. Do you see any river?!? The 'river' is not even 5 feet across. How is that a river?
Anyways, story of the day. Right around the time that I stopped to take this picture, Bryan (our team leader) and I rolled up towards the support van to see a Sheriff parked behind with Emma, the driver standing at the back end of it with her hands up against the car. Generally not a good sign. As we pulled up, Arek and Becky told Bryan that he needed to go talk to the officer.
As Bryan walked over, the officer asked if he knew her. He said, "yes, this is Emma Duncan." "Does she have a valid license?" "I think so..... Emma, do you?" "Yeah."
The cop turns back to Bryan and says, "Well, her license isn't showing up as valid in our system. I'm going to have to take her into jail in Fargo. Bond will be posted at $600."
At that point, Emma had to say stop because she couldn't hold back the laughter any longer!! The Sheriff had pulled up behind the van to see what we were doing. We ended up having a great conversation with him.

This was the message on the board outside the church that is sponsoring us. Very short and to the point reminder of why we're here, I think. Though, as Stuart basically put it, life can't be focused on what we can do for God. He doesn't need us. We should simply focus on pleasing him. Though, having said that, it is a hard thing to understand the difference. That's where we need the wisdom that he provides.

I'm staying with a family who runs a crop dusting business in the area. They've got two hangars worth of airplanes, plus a P-51D (WWII fighter) that the dad rebuilt and is housed at a museum in Fargo. How cool is that. Instead of driving on family vacations, they take the family plane. But the mom said the kids still ask, "Are we there, yet?" I guess some things never change.

The family had this sign outside in their garden. I thought it was pretty good.
I think that's it for today. Thanks for your prayers and encouragement everybody!
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