This morning, the pastor at the Lutheran chuch we stayed at last night did a devotional for us in Psalm 19, talking about the glory of God evident in creation. It was interesting though, as he was talking and everyone focusing on his words, I looked out the window and noticed an absolutely beautiful sight. This picture, I took on the road about 45 min later, but it will help you imagine the beauty. I really was tempted to interrupt the pastor and just tell him to open the windows to make his point. Here are a couple more pictures of what I saw of God's creation today.

Today's ride brought us a total of 120 miles. It was a long ride. We ended up having lunch after 70 miles, which is further than some of our days have been in total! I wanted to talk to my parents in Germany, and they asked me to call around 3 my time. So I really pushed it today... I'm going to be sore tomorrow. I'm already a bit sore...

The ride took us to Rugby, ND (I know the last couple day's have been different than the original plan for where we'd be staying. we should be back on track in a couple days.) We found out when we got into town that Rugby is the geographical center of Norht America. Kind of neat to be able to say that I've been here.
We don't have host families again, tonight. My understanding is that a YFC organization in the area sponsored a night in a hotel for us. But tomorrow we should have hosts again.
Wow.. you guys are strong.. You cycle all over on your bikes?? Cool
Every town has to be known for something.
Looks like you're doing well.
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