Thursday, July 31, 2008
another day; another state
Alright, it's now past 10:00 and we're meeting at the YFC camp to start biking at 7. I'll try to write more tomorrow, plus i have a few pictures that I still want to post for you (like the tar picture i promised but still haven't gotten from Dan).
PS as much as I poked fun at Indiana in my post yesterday, I did really enjoy my two nights there. Thanks!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
just confused
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Hot and Humid and into Indiana
Monday, July 28, 2008
Tar, gasoline and hospitality
I ended up getting to the church at about 4 and spent the next 2 and a half hours cleaning bikes. I ended up learning something new in the process: gasoline is an excellent cleaning agent for getting tar removed from pretty much anything. From bike tires to frames to skin. I'll have to keep that tidbit filed away for the future. Though it's getting expensive....
The hospitality of our hosts in the cleaning process was just astounding, though. The found old t-shirts for us to use as rags, gasoline to clean with, soap and water to rinse everything off with, a hose (and spigot). They offered several time to run and get other cleaners and this that and the other thing. Then, after all that cleaning, we of course smelled like gasoline and they still sat with us for dinner! Thanks to all those who were part of the team that got our bike cleaned, provided food, spent time with us, etc. I have really appreciated it!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
In Illinois
It's been so nice biking, there's nothing to worry about, you just get up in the morning, eat, bike, eat lunch, bike some more, eat dinner, give a presentation, have the opportunity to talk to hosts, go to bed, wake up and start over. Getting back to school is going to be a big change.
Its interesting though, I mentioned the other day that we are below our average on number of miles traveled so far and at times I have honestly been bothered by that. But, I realize now that per usual everything is part of God's plan. I can't even imagine the amount of prayer that has gone into this trip.
Had we been closer to the average than we have been, it could be that we would have been in this area when the 100+mph winds hit on Monday throughout the day. It would have made biking impossible and dangerous even to be in the area. Dan and I found this truck not far from Kewanee almost a week after the storm!
But by the Providence of God we are here now and not then.
You know you're a biker when...
I'm looking forward to getting back to school with these lines. :)
Friday, July 25, 2008
As we got close to being done with our 75 mile ride, we came to an area where the road was closed due to recent flooding in the area and then 100 mile straight winds that brought down a bunch of trees. Dan, Staurt and I started on the detour while the other stood at the corner trying to figure out the directions. Well, it turned out that the bridge that was out cor cars was passable with bikes. So, Dan, Stuart and I ended up doing an extra 18 miles. Life goes one. We were pretty tired by the end, but we all made it.
Thanks for your prayers and support.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wind, Exhaustion and Christian Fellowship
I woke up this morning and for the first time didn't really have a desire to get on my bike. I was just tired. I stopped a couple times to read through some psalms, in order to remind myself of God's promise for provision. We only had 46 miles to bike, but I really needed that to get me through.
Even so, as I got about 10 miles out, all I could do was ask for God to sustain me. About 2 miles outside of Central City I saw a Baptist Community Church and a man (presumably the pastor) mowing the lawn. I had a burden to stop, give him a card and talk to him for a few minutes. I pulled over and considered for a minute,but really just wasn't in the mood to talk. So I decided to keep going. Over the the next 100 yards, the burden just kept growing to go talk to the gentleman. So I turned around and had the opportunity to talk to Bob and his daughter. I mentioned what we are doing, the projects we're supporting, but in reality, Bob was ministering to me. I can't tell you how much of a ministry it was to me to just talk to a Christian brother along the route. Bob, if you have the chance to read this, thank you.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Iowa, flat?
We did have fun today, though. Arek and I were singing Disney songs through several hills. It may not have made the hills easier, but definitely more fun. :)
This evening we are staying in the small town of Edgewood, IA, and had the opportunity to visit with two church congregations. We shared a meal with the first and gave our presentation at the second. There was a lot of interest in our trip and the ministries we're supporting from the congregations. We set it up more like a panel ended up having a lot of really good questions. It was great to interact a bit more with our hosts than to just tell them what we're doing and call it a night. Which, is what i need to do... I'm exhausted.
22 July - to Brownsville, MN
Before too long I found myself cruising down a really nice hill in and out of the turns at around 35 or 40 mph. it was just great. When I got to the bottom, I checked my map to see how much further I had to go before I reached Brownsville. Unfortunately, I had just added about 2 and a half miles to my trip. So I turned around and went back up the hill. Unfortunate about having to climb back up, but it really was a nice ride. And the view from the top of the ridge, overlooking the Mississippi River valley was just gorgeous. The pictures don't do it justice.
Thank you all so much for your prayers and support.
21 Jul - To Lake City
The hosts I stayed with last night were a young couple, Amy works with a youth ministry in the town. They were a lot of fun. When I walked into the house I got shot with a marshmallow out of a blow tube. Yeah, it was a good day. Fun, relaxing. Got us ready for today's 90+ mile day.
Oh, yeah... On the way to Lake City we crossed a 9 mile long 'construction zone' where the road surface had bee torn up leaving a road almost as bad as gravel. At the end, where the pavement restarted, there was a sign to warn us of the "BUMP" They should have had a sign at the beginning that said "Bump - Next 9 Miles"! I'd uplad the picture, but I'm borrowing but I'm having trouble getting the pics to go from the computer I'm borrowing.
Weekend #5
Church this morning was interesting for me. We were at St. John's Lutheran, here in Northfield, and I'm not used to the way that a Lutheran service is held, with so many different congregational responses and songs that were sung in response to things. So of course I was flipping through the bulletin and the hymnal most of the service, trying to keep up. The message was on Jacob and his dream of the ladder from heaven.
Also, I wanted to give you an update from the post I made on the 13th ( I'm not going to go into details in case the person I'm referring to reads this blog, but I did have the chance a couple times to witness to people in my host families and a guy a met on the road one day. Basically the question arises, why are you doing this ride and of course my answer is, ultimately so that teens around the world have to opportunity to receive Christ as Savior. "Well, what does that mean?"
It means that you have recognized Christ as Lord and that only through his sacrifice do you have any chance at forgiveness of sins. It means that the Holy Spirit has begun to work in your life to make you like Christ. All of which will be evidenced by a burden on your heart to do the things that Christ did. It means that you no longer have an acquaintanceship with him, but a relationship through which you want to please him.
For those of you who have 'significant others' (I don't particularly like that term, but it prevents me from listing all the different possibilities of relationship status), this might help you understand what I mean: When there is someone you love, you do things simply in order to please that person. Not to win points so that you can have some advantage later, or so that the 'love' is returned (that is in fact only loving yourself), but simply because you want to please that person. Love and relationships are a two way street, I understand that. But ultimate love is done without thought of the return benefits.
Christ loved us in the ultimate way, by giving his life in payment for our sins even before we loved him. Without requirement for us to love him in return. Remember what DC Talk said, "Luv is a verb." So, today's challenge is simply to love.
Friday, July 18, 2008
What are we doing?
This post is specifically for anyone who is new to this blog. I handed out over 500 cards at Sonshine on Wednesday and Thursday, telling each person about what Youth for Christ (YFC) is doing in Europe, Middle East and North Africa. I wanted to take the opportunity to tell you all, and maybe reiterate for those who have been following along, what I'm doing, and why I'm doing it. – Military Community Youth Ministries - Links to more information about each of the community centers - The main bike ride page
God Bless!
Mike Scott
PS I'm going to leave this post up here for a few days to give new readers the opportunity to read more about what we are doing and who I am supporting. I'll post updates for the next few days later.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
A not so rainy day
Supposedly the wind was going to be going against us the whole way. We got under way around 8:30 and moved to the south. At the time it had stopped raining. By the end of the 56 miles I hadn't seen a drop of rain and the wind was at our backs for about half the ride. It turned into an absolutely beautiful day!
So, now we are half way by time. today was day number 30. We've still got a few days befoerr we get halfway by miles. This evening and tomorrow we're hosted at Bryan's church in New London and we'll be going to the Sonshine music festival this evening and tomorrow to talk to whoever is there and interested in what we're doing.
The festival is a huge Christian music festival, going several days with tons of bands. Supposedly there will be about 25,000 people that come through over the next few days. Should be a great opportunity to talk to a lot of people about YFC. And maybe even share the gospel with people. Please be praying for opportunities. Thanks!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
I also want to again thank everyone who has offered words of encouragement as we've been traveling. I have really appreciated it!
Monday, July 14, 2008
4 States down
We finished our 50 miles today by abour 12:30 and spent the afternoon relaxing in the park near the church in town. The town is a great place. Really laid back and quiet, with plenty to do.
I guess I really don't have much to say today... Tomorrow, we're headed to Alexandria, MN. About 75 miles. I'm glad we're doing more than 50 or so, though. If we are going to average 83 for the trip and we've only been doing 60s and 50s the last couple days, we're going to have to make those miles up later on....
Thanks for your prayers!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Acts 18:9-10
For me personally it is an encouragement and reminder that I can and should be speaking boldly about the faithfulness of Christ and his redeeming work. I know many times I've had opportunities to share the gospel slip by because I was afraid. Not even for my life or safety, as Paul might have been, but simply for my appearance and reputation. As the Lord says to Paul, though, there is no reason to be fearful!
What damage could possibly happen to my reputation that would negate the Holy Spirit saving someone because I was willing to share with them? And beyond that what does my earthly reputation matter when compared to my faithfulness to my Lord? As I'm sure many of you have heard Jim Elliot's quote, "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose."
I guess I write this, as a challenge to myself and to anyone who might read this. Christ did not allow the fears he had of the cross to keep him from doing the things that he knew would please the Father. Pray for the opportunity this week to share your faith with a friend or even a random person that you meet in the grocery store checkout line and when the Lord provides that opportunity don't keep your mouth shut in fear but open it in praise of your Father in Heaven.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
To Fargo and start weekend 4
We got into Fargo around noon and just relaxed in Lindenwood park (picture) until about 6:00 when we had dinner. Bryan's family surprised him in Fargo. That made up for the prank that was pulled on him yesterday... I took some time to play frisbee with Bryan's two sons (11 and 9, I think) and Jonny and Fioina. And just layed on the grass for about an hour relaxing and listening to music. It was a great afternoon.
This evening, I'm staying with a young couple from the Dakotas. The husband has a great testimony. He was an addict from the age of 9 to 19 when Christ got ahold of him and turned his life around. Since then he's been working (more or less) in ministry to teens. I spent a little while talking to them this evening, then came in here to go to bed and started writing blogs instead... Now it really is time for bed.
11 July - To Page, ND
Anyways, story of the day. Right around the time that I stopped to take this picture, Bryan (our team leader) and I rolled up towards the support van to see a Sheriff parked behind with Emma, the driver standing at the back end of it with her hands up against the car. Generally not a good sign. As we pulled up, Arek and Becky told Bryan that he needed to go talk to the officer.
As Bryan walked over, the officer asked if he knew her. He said, "yes, this is Emma Duncan." "Does she have a valid license?" "I think so..... Emma, do you?" "Yeah."
The cop turns back to Bryan and says, "Well, her license isn't showing up as valid in our system. I'm going to have to take her into jail in Fargo. Bond will be posted at $600."
At that point, Emma had to say stop because she couldn't hold back the laughter any longer!! The Sheriff had pulled up behind the van to see what we were doing. We ended up having a great conversation with him.
I think that's it for today. Thanks for your prayers and encouragement everybody!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
A 'short' 70 miles
But we arrived and shortly after, we went out for an ice cream. We have been told that a chocolate shake is one of the best ways to recover after a long ride. Between the milk and all the great stuff that is in it and the chocolate to provide a bit of energy. Good excuse for some ice cream, I think.
Cooperstown, where we are staying tonight, has taken good care of us. The Pastor and his wife arranged for us to eat burgers and hot dogs at the pre-dinner to the county fair. (i'm not sure what else to call it). There were about 300 people there from the community, we got to talk to a few of them. It was pretty obvious that we were 'the bikers.'

This evening a few of us are just hanging out with the Pastor his wife and their 11 month old son.
Tomorrow is a really easy day. Only 39 miles to Page, ND. And it looks like the wind will be shifting back to the west!
Thanks for your prayers! By the way, my Achilles tendons are feeling great.
To Tokio
Thankfully, God provided a great place for us to duck into cover at the Spirit Lake recreation center, on the Sioux Indian reservation. The guy running the facility was just fantastic to let us store our bikes for 20 minutes or so.
Tonight, we're staying at a retreat center that functions as a place for mission teams coming to the reservation to stay. Mike and Libby, the missionaries are taking good care of us.
Sorry, no pictures of the storm.... I didn't think it would get along with the water.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Psalm 19
We don't have host families again, tonight. My understanding is that a YFC organization in the area sponsored a night in a hotel for us. But tomorrow we should have hosts again.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Another wonderful day (day 21)
Here's a pic of where we stopped for lunch today. It was a great spot during a great day. The wind was, again, blowing at our backs and we were just cruising. My average was over 19 mph and we gained almost over 300 feet of elevation today with a total of 2400 feet climbed. It really was great. Took some time to play soccer, rest and we still made it in by 1:30.
I'm going to upload some more pictures to my slide show in a minute, if you've been keeping up with those and then I'm going to go spend some time visiting with the members of the church that are going to be here to have dinner with us. No host families tonight; we're sleeping on air mattresses scattered throughout the building.
Weekend #3
A great day - Saturday, 5 July
A funny bike story
So, Paul and Dan then decided the easiest course of action would be to just remove the second of the little gear, push the chain back into place and then put the gear back. Well, it didn't work. After about 30 minutes of fiddling with the system, removing the entire derailleur, and breaking and rebuilding the chain again, it was finally fixed. The 5 or so of us watching had a good laugh.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
out of Poplar, in North Dakota!
We also had a beautiful day on Saturday. about 80 miles with the wind blowing at our backs the whole time! You know that when you can climb a hill at 20 miles an hour with out a whole lot of effort, it is a good day!
Thank you all for your prayers.
Friday, July 4, 2008
An interesting Independence day
I think these are wild sunflowers. They were all over the side of the road this afternoon.
About the ride today.... it can be summed up pretty easily. It was Hot! We ate lunch under some trees at a park in Wolf Point. Nice place, and I am reallly glad that the trees were there. I ended up taking a nice nap.
This evening, after arriving in Poplar we went to an Indian Pow Wow a few miles further up the road. It was definitely an interesting experience. I'm really not sure how else to describe it. Though, we didn't spend a lot of time there. It lasts all weekend. They had some traditional dancing and wear. It was definitely a good experience.
Now, were're trying to figure out how to fit 10 people into a small house. Our host has been absolutely wonderful trying to make sure we all have a comfortable place to sleep. We're spread out all over the house!
Anyways, I need to get some sleep. Thank you for your prayers, especially for tonight and the security of our stuff. I think it will be ok. Everything is locked in the garage of the house we're staying at tonight.