You know the old saying "I took a wrong turn and ended up in.... [insert some random place]. Well that's how we felt on Friday as were were biking. First we were in Florida, then Texas was across the river, Grand Rapids... And my personal favorite...

Evidently the beach along the river in Heidelberg has been translpanted to Lake Erie, justwest of Cleveland! who knew? I guess Indiana isn't the only place that's confused. :)

We also passed one of the Campbell's soup plants on Friday. That was kinda neat. I wonder how many cans of soup come out of that facility in a 24 hour period. It's got to be an unbelievable number. And the amount of raw good from tomatoes to spices to chicken that goes in! wow. But, this picture has a bit of personal signifigance to me... This is where Dan and I stopped on Friday to fix the first break down that my bike has had the entire trip. Still no flat tire, but the chain I had put on just 30 miles earlier had a rivet falling out, which locked up the gears. Thankfully it didn't just fall out... Of course I didn't think to take a picture of it.
We ended up just taking the link out of the chain, so my chain is a little shorter than it should be, but it works just fine.

We also had yet another amazing near miss of rain. About 25 miles outside of Gibsonburg, OH we noticed a pretty big thunder head building and moving towards us. As we continued straight east and then slightly north, the storm's northern edge just followed us. Just enough to keep us in the shade but not enough to rain. How unbelievably blessed are we?
PS I've added a bunch of new pictures to the second photo album on the right, as well as a link to John Duncan's trip blog. He has rejoined us for the last two weeks of the trip!
1 comment:
Nice pics. Ah, Heidelberg!
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