Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Niagara and beyond

Well it has been several says since I've had internet to post, and quite honstely, I've been pretty tired each day by the time I've had any time to write posts that I could put up later. So, for now, I'll post today's and if, as I look back over a few of the pictures my memory is jogged about anything, I'll write a short post or two to fill in the blanks.

Today, most of the group rode from Angola to Medina, NY via Ontario, but Arek didn't have a visa to get into Canada, so I offered to ride with him. We still got to stop and see the falls, and even had the opportunity to talk to Jane and Bob, two of the people that work with Joshua Revolution, a ministry that works through confrences to reach young people for Christ. Jane heard about our trip as we were leaving from Anacortes, has been praying for us since and was looking forward to any opportunity she might have to support us. They were both a huge blessing to us on our ride today, since we were riding unsupported. They provided us with a lunch and Bob took the time to give us a quick tour of the falls. What a beautiful place!

Here is just a quick pick of the Niagara River that I took. Arek and I got to ride along a really nice bike path for a while between Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Unfortunately, the path didnt' go the whole, way. God was watching out for us, though. We almost went the wrong way when we got to the end of the bike path, and out of nowhere came Loyd and Marie (our advanced team) who pointed us in the right direction.
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