Friday, May 9, 2008

Back in Germany

Well Friends, I'm back in Germany (home) for a few weeks taking classes and riding. My bike made it over in one piece after an adventurous trip to the airport, and it has been put back together by a local bike shop. I picked it up this afternoon and I'm planning on heading out for a short ride tomorrow morning to test it out and make any adjustments to get it back to where it was, right now I think the seats a little high… easily fixed.

My fundraising is up over $1,000! Actually, after some very generous donations I'm up to 1,140!! Though still quite a bit short of the $6,500 I need to go on the trip and the overall $100,000 goal. But I trust that God is faithful.

I want to keep this message short, I know an update is long overdue, and I promised a video 'shortly'… It is still on its way; going through editing currently! Between weather problems (especially wind) and classes/exams my photographer has worked very diligently to get this done for me. Thanks Geoff!

For now I'll stop here. I'll send out another email as soon as the video is done.

In the mean time, please be praying for the completion of the video and also for this Sunday morning when I'm hoping to present the trip to my church on the Army base here in Germany.

Also, I was able to post all of the stopping points in Google calendar, if you use it in conjunction with a gmail account ( Do a search for YFC Bike Ride in the public calendars, and let me know if you have any questions. (now I'm really done....)


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